June 18, It has been a few days since the race and I think I need to add something because of some feedback. I wrote the following about two hours after I got home. I was very sore, barely able to walk around my house. That was the way I was feeling at the time and I was more negative than I should have been. I really should have had a nap before I wrote this...
Well I survived this race today and oh my what a route it was. Question why on earth would pioneers build their town in a river valley surrounded by hills?? Every time they want to go somewhere it would be up hill!!!
I have a beef about this Footstock weekend, I found it annoying that when ever they sent an email out with new info the Duathlon had to wait one more day to get their info. To add to the insult they sent a message saying they didn't forget about us, if you have to say you didn't forget, more than likely you did! Ok I'm done with the negative rant.
Dan Giberson was volunteered to be my driver today, thanks again buddy (3tri and 1 Dual up on you coach!!) We arrived rather early and watched the Kids Triathlon go past us. It's pretty wild watching those little guys and gals go! I had forgot my course map at home so we attempted to figure out where the transition was located. It was a bit annoying that it opened at 10am but there was no evidence of where it was as you drove out. I guess the markers were still in use at the Tri but it would have been nice to know we were on the right road.
We found Transition, it was a row of bike racks on the side of a road at an intersection. Dan and I were amazed at the elevation change to get there. Later my watch said it was 100m of climbing on the run course to get there. Got back to town, I was a bit hungry so we stopped at Tim Horton's. I think my sandwich choice wasn't the greatest because 2hrs later on the bike I had some stomach cramps.
Back to the pool where the event would start and I picked up my package. The bag of goodies was a bit light, a water bottle, the shirt and a sample foot lotion, no coupons for local businesses, no info on other races, nothing.
The race was a few minutes late in starting, there was a lot of nervous people looking up at the hill realizing that is where they were going. It was not "The Big Hill" but it looked about the same to me!! There was 90 people signed up for this adventure and it was fun to see everyone strung out in a line running on: Red Shale, Grass, a dirt path, pavement, and finally the gravel road to transition. I admit I had to take a few walk breaks, ok 3... we ran through the dirt and grass path into the parking lot of the town hall. As we turned the corner I was floored. All you can see is a wall of grass and Highway 22 above the wall. I knew that isn't where we were running, but my mind only saw this wall and played some nasty tricks with me. I think I passed a few people and also got passed by a few people on the run.
My transition was rotten. I had double knotted my shoes so they wouldn't come undone, you have to get the knot out to get the bike shoes on. Oh how I muttered at my shoe. there was about 20 bikes left on the rack so I knew some people were still running.
The Bike oh my I thought I was done climbing. Nope 180 meters to the turnaround (100m + 180m = *&^%$#@! !!) All this climbing and a headwind to boot. There was two very short sections that the road turned so it was a cross wind. I think it took me twice as long to get out as it did to come back on the bike. I started to yell at the wind and the hills to cut it out, I checked to make certain only the cows were around to hear me, don't want to look too crazy. The turnaround finally came and the wind blew me to speeds of 56.4km/h as I came down some of the hills I had been cussing at earlier.
The final run was uphill on the gravel road and that was where it turned to downhill. I began to feel better knowing I was on the final bit. I had some fun with the volunteers on the pavement section they were just so dang happy. There was one young couple that had their car with all the doors open and the stereo blasting, the young lady was dancing to the music... the guy was clapping, at me or her I have no idea but it gave me a good laugh. Arrived back in town and there was a group of 3 young ladies on a corner that were cheering like we were Rock Stars when we went by. I finally saw the finish line, the put it at the top of a &*%^$ HILL!!!!!! I thought I was going to drop right there! I crossed the line and Dan was there to pat me on the back or hold me up I haven't figured that out yet.
The announcer said that the last person had left transition and if we could hurry to pick up the bikes so the volunteer can get out of the wind. I grabbed some of the free food and checked to see if I won a door prize. ONE number off again!!!! This is the third or forth race I have been 1 bib # off from winning something. We headed out to pick up my stuff from transition and cheered the last lady. Much to my shock and anger the clean up crew was 50ft behind her picking up the cones from the course... I have been in that spot and it is not a very good feeling. As we head out of the town it started to sprinkle. Dan dropped me off he got the ten cent tour of my place and as he left, the heavens opened up and dumped buckets of water.
I feel a bit stiff right now, I actually had some trouble getting out of the van. A nice hot shower some Advil and life is good. Even with all the things that didn't go as I thought they would it is not a bad way to spend the day... Oh as of writing this there are 18 more days till I fly to France :)
My times were:
5k Run (uphill) 0:37:44 64th place
15k Bike (up and headwind) 0:50:14
15k Bike (back and tailwind) 0:27:21
30K in total took 1:17:37 52nd place
5k Run (downhill) 0:37:16 59th place
Finish time was 2:32:36!!!
57 of 81 overall
37 of 47 males
6 of 7 males 20-29