Monday, September 29, 2008
Off Season
I have put up my plans for next year so we shall see if it all works out, I know Coach Mike has some crazy trips planned for me. Doing the Golden triangle in one day could be interesting :)
Friday, August 29, 2008
4 hours of sleep after a night shift. 6 hours of driving, a terrible sleep at a noisy campground, 2 more hours of driving and then my happy place. then another sleep at a noisy campground locals like to honk as they drive by or something about 2 hours of good sleep. Then 12 hours of volunteering, 4 hours of sleep in my car in the rain so I could be in line to sign up. then I drove to Calgary but stopped twice for about 2 hours of napping. Passed out for 8 hours in my own bed.
The long version--------------
I had planned on doing a side trip to the Myra Canyon to ride the rebuild trestles, but because I drove so much and not so much sleep the day before I thought it would be best to just get to Pentiction, it was a wise decision as there was a lot of road construction causing delays.
So I went to the expo and was able to try on a pair of Newton shoes... very nice!! But for $175 I don't know, it would help with the new running style I am trying to get into. I remember last years expo a bit more active and more booths. must be because it was the 25th anniversary last year. I got to the bike lot and found the captain that I was working for and was put to work greeting the athletes as they arrived to rack their bike and turn in their various bags of gear.
I saw my old co-worker from the nortel warehouse and his wife. I got a photo of Sara Gross and her bike, she later came in 4th in the ladies race beating Lisa Bentley. A fellow volunteer answered a question from Lisa and we all wanted to know what she asked and how she looked. I noticed she wasn't smiling as much as usual (she is known for her smile) after reading her race report I understood why. I had forgotten about her heal injury.
I wandered around the lot in aw of all the gear people had and taking photos. All I know is I want a power meter!! With 45 min left my coach walked in with his bike. It felt great to point out to him what I had learned about the layout of the bike lot.
I went to find the campsite I stayed at last year. This time I am certain the cost went up. $30 bucks for a patch of grass?? I was put in the RV loop as there was no RV's there and I went to bed early so I would be ready for my very long day. Well I think the locals think it's funny to honk when they drive by. I am a very deep sleeper and get get through anything but this night I just couldn't get any sleep. The funny thing is half the campsite was involved with IM waking up at 4 or 5am and the loop I was in was not.
I found the "back" way to downtown and parked the car by the greyhound and hiked to the lake. I got on the wrong side of the fencing but unlike last year I didn't have to double back to the gap 2 blocks back or walk all the way around the bike lot. This year I had a "bike lot" bracelet and the security pointed out the short cut to me. Through texting and a few calls "one crank" from GWN and I enjoyed the swim start. I broke my heart when at 2:20 there was still 7 people in the water and would not continue their day. I went back to the expo and all but the merchandise tent had moved so I had a nap under a tree.
Funny thing from last year. I took a photo of 3 people, 2 were standing and one was still swimming. The two standing carried on with there day, the guy still swimming was in the bike catch line and he missed the cut off because he didn't stand up in time. Our jaws dropped when we realized I had a photo of that moment in his life.
So me and about 70 people were on bike catch duty. about 7 people would actually catch the bikes being THROWN at them by the pros and some age groupers where I stuck to the RUNNER job. It was cool as we could see the pro bikes fill the racks how they came back covered in stuff that made you glad you had rubber gloves on. I saw my coaches bike go by the line of catchers so I grabbed it and racked it, oh and it was 3rd on it's rack. I was very proud to see Coach Mike run out of T2, I hooted and hollered like an idiot and got a bunch of volunteers to cheer him as he ran out.
So we finished our bike catch shift as the bike cut off arrived. I excused myself to go and get some real food as I hadn't eaten a whole bunch. I got directions to a very nice pasta place where IMC was on the TV above the bar. I ran back to the car to get the proper rain jacket and my chair that I was glad to have later on. I was a bit damp as it had started to sprinkle near the end of my first shift. It was a warm rain so I was overheating with the plastic on so I alternated with my fleece. It was odd watching people limp into the lot to find their bags and bikes. It was an eye opening experience to see the procedure to get your bike back. They had to prove to me that they are the person to pick up this bike.
I finished my 12 hour volunteer shift at 11:30 just in time to watch the last finishers. The chair came in handy here as well as my volunteer bracelet to take that short cut again :) I watched Sister Madonna miss midnight by just a min or two. I staggered to my car as my feet were killing me from standing on concrete all day long. So I slept in my car and got in the registration line around 6am. It was funny I planned on setting my alarm for 4am and sitting in my chair in the line up. But I passed out before looking at my alarm. When I woke up the guy in the tent in front of me asked how I slept, he and his buddies had a good laugh at me when they saw me curled up in the drivers seat.
So the line started to move at 8:30 but the tent didn't open up till 9. The volunteers were put in a separate line once we got through the gate. I think I was in the first 100 people to get my sign up certificate. I went to the bike barn to buy the IMC map that I expected to see at the expo and got some info. The local pool will let you shower for $2! They have separate room that only has a shower and lockers so you don't get access to the rest of the facility. That was all I needed, I felt like a new person. I went back to the visitor center and bought 2 bottles of the IMC wine. I will drink them after next years race. If your lucky I might share :)
I wanted to drive back to Calgary in one day as I was running out of clean clothing, that's what I get for packing when I woke up from my night shift. But the excitement and the work I did took it's toll on me. I slept for an hour outside the DQ in Vernon and a quick nap at another visitor center somewhere. I stocked up on suger products and I finally fully woke up mentally for the twisty Rogers pass road.
All in all it was another trip to the happiest place in the world.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sylvan Lake HIM 08
I had mixed feelings going into this race I have to admit. I had such a good feeling after Finishing Great White and tried to remember why I signed up for 2 Halfs which isn't the smartest thing to do so close back to back. The plan way back in the winter was that my Grandparents would be able to come to Stony Plain to watch me race for the first time. Unfortunately they don't travel as well as they used to. But I still had family show up to watch so it made me feel good.
Coach called me a few days before Sylvan and gave me a good pep talk to raise my spirits. I had myself convinced that I would not stop especially on the run, infact I wrote an obsene message on my hand race morning to that fact to modivate me.
I had attended the pre-race meeting and supper. I had people joining me at the table I picked and found that one lady did this the second year and finished last at 9:30hrs, one guy from GP stated that he would be last out of the water.... folks I was sitting with my compeition.
I arrived at Wanda's place on Friday and they just purchased Gutair Hero for their wii so that was good prerace entertainment. I stayed up a bit longer than I planned but oh well watching Rob took my mind off the fact I had a race in the am.
Woke up at 5:30am and was racking my bike at 6:05, I liked the spot I picked. I was right up against a support leg so I knew my bike wouldn't be pushed further, it was on the grass so I would not have to run on the gravel and near the bike exit. I knew with my precription goggles I could see enough as I ran. Oh and I lost my other set of goggles so I ran out to the swim shop thursday to buy this pair. Wanda and my Mom have a rule no precription goggles they will not come and watch. Something about being blind as a bat and not seeing the markers.
I walked down the beach to the far washroom but it was locked... so much for my no line up secret. So I wandered back and lined up for the only THREE portapotties.... 350 athletes.... 1.5 hour to race time.... do the math... one lady said she was in line for 45min good thing I got that taken care of before the line got huge. Note for next time A&W accross the street.
As I hung out I saw a few familier faces. Including "one crank" from GWN. It felt good to know that I was not the only person trying 2 races this close. She later tracked me down on facebook to compare stories.
Well this brings us to 7:30 when I got my wetsuit on with the help of my rack neigbour. I found Wanda, Robert and Warren and chatted with them instead of looking out at the swim markers. I remembered from last year getting freaked out not being able to see the far set, mind you that was before my prescription goggles. I got myself in the water and because I swim with ear plugs I could barely hear the countdown. All of a sudden people infront of me were going. How did they know???
I learned from Wasa that I did not have to seed my start at the very back as I can keep up for a while. So I am swimming with a few people around me and there is no hitting or nothing it was actually very nice. I got myself to the first turn (700m) and there were still people with me so I felt fairly good and still enjoying the day.
Then I see this DAMED FOOL swim across my path, I quickly sited to see if I had not made the turn right. Nope this guy is 90 degrees to the course he is heading straight for shore. Ok what ever, a few moments go by and he cuts me off again. This time I am pissed and yell at him " GO that way" and pointed... it worked I didn't see him again. I know that I had 4-5 people around me at this time. There were two ladies having a conversation as they breast stroked. One of them sounded like a seal as she breathed I wanted to get away from her because that didn't sound right to me.
So the 400m stretch to the second turn I started feeling the waves. Nothing crazy I thought to myself. Every so often when I rolled to breath I would still be under water. I knew I could go for another set of strokes on what air I had left so no panic. But then it started happening more and more. I started feeling woozy 900m into the race... ya that's right half freeking way. I got my escort boat at about the second turn, a nice lady in an orange Kyack. She was quite, encouraging and enjoying her paddle. Thank goodness I didn't get the guy in the red one, he was yelling at the swimmer to keep going and was getting kinda rude about it. I remember thinking that if he was doing that to me I would ask. "got your roll skirt on?" and I grab his paddle so he can shut his trap before I pull him in.
Just after the second turn I asked her if it was possible to get sea sick on a lake. She said these rollers could affect a person swimming and suggested I close my eyes and get lower in the water. At this time I am very near the back of the pack and the RCMP power boat starts to follow us to shore. This is where I started to taste gas as I breathed for air and I started thinking, can I puke in the water to feel better for the bike.
I got close to the pier and I recognized the kid I chatted with yesterday in a boat. He must have recognized me and he calls out "you got 4 min to the cut off". I know I do 3 min per 100m in a pool when I am feeling good and I remembered someone saying at 150m it gets shallow enough to walk. A quick look at the bottom and I couldn't see anything but weeds. I knew at that moment I would not make the cut off.
I stumbled onto land and the lady from the ATA was there to ask how I was feeling and if I wanted to continue. Well she had grabbed my elbow to get my attention and she would not let go and it quite honestly was pissing me off. I like walk a bit ok stumble to help my inner ear stabalize and she was holding me in place by the elbow. Wanda said that my face was very pale and my eyes were red, when she told me this I realized my googles didn't leak because they probably were too tight. I had a head ach and felt very qweesy, I kept thinking about puking.
Rob found some graval at a drug store and I chewed on a couple peices as we waited for the first bike guys to come back. About an hour later I let the most horrible sounding gassy burp from the depths of my gut and I felt SOOOOOooo much better. It was a treat to see quick people racing, the first guy racked his bike, bent at the waist and came up all changed and running... wow is all I could say.
I saw something that made me shake my head. We were hanging out at the entrence to T2 and the volunteer was told to look out for someone that had been tagged for a drafting penelty and was not very happy about it. Rob joked with the lady saying if she needed back up to let him know. There was two volunteers that didn't see the guy and when they did the timming chip had been passed to the runner and he had taken off. So the 4 min in the sin bin didn't happen as per the rules that we as athletes are all aware of. It's only beaten into our heads at every race DON'T DRAFT you will be stopped and given a penalty. Well the volunteer was doing as she was asked and he talked back to her a bit and a runner waiting for her teammate stepped in and said "nobody's going to the olympics over this race so don't worry about it. Just tell him ____ says it's ok." my jaw dropped at my discust at this lady's attitude that she could override the rules of the event. My respect for this lady that I do know dropped significanlty as it really rattled the volunteer.
If this was sea sickness from the waves and breathing in gas fumes I care not to repeat it. I was very distressed and upset that this is the second time I didn't finish the Sylvan Half. As I write this on Wednesday I have come to accept what happened. I was asked to text my coach my results and I couldn't bring myself to do it untill after supper. He was riding the Golden Triangle in a day (330km and 4 mountain passes) and I didn't want to wreck his day with my news.
I kinda shut myself down mentaly and over the few days as my friends asked about the race it slowly became easier to tell the tale. Much appologies to the first few that got the one word responces to questions.
700m to first turn 0:17:43 (2.46m/100m)
400m to second turn 0:20:41 (5.18m/100m)
800m to shore 0:34:18 (4.28m/100m)
total 1:12:44 (3.79m/100m swim cut off 1:10:00
Monday, July 7, 2008
Great White North Half Iron Man Weekend
I was in a bit of a tizzy when I arrived in Stoney Plain. I had found the camping it was $20 a night in a field with no fire pits or tables in the tent area. I drove the opening 10km of the bike route and had a bit of a low opinion of it but it changed as I drove the rest of the route later in the day. I was struggling a bit because I couldn't find the package pickup location, so phone call to DCOM and Domonika to Google things for me and get back on track.
Got my race number (446) and I saw Steve King the announcer I waited my turn to chat with him and he remembered me from Sylvan last year!! He wished me luck and I let him get back to his work. I decided to drive the rest of the course and I am glad I did because it was nice to see this "Heartbreak Hill"..... that's it?? HA HA HA, I've been up bigger hills than this GAME ON!!! It started to pour rain as I got to the far end of the course, I found out later that this rain cancelled the Drag Race that Wanda and Rob were at.
Got back to the race meeting and Carbo load, the food was incredible, there was a group playing Japanese Drums and then the info chat. In my little opinion the info session went longer than I felt it needed to be, it was 9:30 by the time I got out of the overheating Hockey Rink/sauna that had no air circulation.
I woke up with the sun and drove to West Ed Mall. I saw all I needed before the mall even opened. So I call Wanda to find out what their plans are.... I somehow previously agreed to meet everyone at West Ed. so I ended up walking that mall a good 6-8 times I think. I got back to Stoney to ride the Run Course so I would know where I was going the next day. I had thought Leah would arrive after the ride but she left a message saying "where are you camping??" Yet again my comunication skills failed, I thought I had told her where the campground was but I had not. So Supper back in Edmonton with my full Super Sherpa Support Team. Wanda, Robert, Leah, Andy, Candi, Erin.
Leah and I drove back to the campground and got her tent set up the fastest ever. It was funny the camp operator stopped us thinking she only paid for one and that I was free loading. Not realizing that I had been there for a day already.
---- Race Morning----
The Rain woke me up at 12, 2, 4 apparently I did get some sleep as it was reported that I had a good snore going on. I think I gave up on sleep at around 5:30 and started packing up. I discovered that between my groundsheet and tent there was a good puddle of water where I was laying. Gotta love that rain, I did ask for rain but I hoped for it on the run not now.
As this race has assigned bike parking I didn't feel the need to be there at 6:00am when transition opened so it was nice not to rush. Leah helped me keep calm in the middle of all the race nerves, I don't think she realized how much help she really was. I hadn't saw the rest of the crew but at 10 min to start I had to take care of me, I found out later Rob ran up and had the camera zeroed in on me but I dove into the water at that very second.
I had rented a wetsuit and I hadn't had a chance to get wet with it yet so the first few strokes were a surpise as I felt fast. I didn't seed myself at the back of the pack like I normaly did, I wanted to try swimming the the school of fish to see what I could do. I didn't get spit out of the school till 300m I think. I kept a good line and I saw race caps ahead of me and behind on the first lap. I say the fast guys caught me on the last 200-300m of the first lap. I even had one try to draft off my feet until he realized that the fast guys were on my right and I wasn't keeping up, so he went left and cut me off in an effort to get back in the pack. If I remember correctly the first leg of the swim took me 9min first lap and about 12 for the second. I would look at my watch at the markers to see how I was doing and I would do math praying it added up to less than 70 min. It did and I got out of the water in 1:06:08 (576/578) I had two finishers behind me and Rob told me there was another out there that didn't make the time.
SWIM DONE 1:06:08 - 576
The tranisition didn't go very smoothly Candi got a video of me so it will be cool to look back and see what I could improve on in the future. It had started raining as I swam so everything that was dry when I set up Transition was now wet and cold. It took me a while to realize it was raining as I swam.
The bike, I struggled a bit for the first few km and I had a guy trying to pass and I didn't hear him untill I heard .....ocking, crap I was blocking the guy AGH! so he flew past me!!! I didn't see him again. I got through town and was feeling good and down in the areo bars. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't as comfortable as in the past and then I realized the vest I was wearing didn't have pockets in the back and I had stuffed my spare tube in the front pocket and it was bumping my belly everytime my peddle went around.
at the 30km mark I saw the race leader heading back into town. He looked smooth in the areo bars. I kept an eye out for the few people I knew in the race but I didn't see anyone on the bike. The hill didn't kill me off and I felt good. On the last 20km I ended up catching some people that had been infront of me for a while, looking back I probably should have been slowing down to get ready for the run but I felt fine so I kept on going. I had kept track and counted 15 people behind me. I know only 4 people had passed me (3 had mechnicals who I had passed earlier) I had my computer on the heart Rate page so I couldn't see my bike time and when I got into town I checked the clock and got very emotional realizing that I had knocked off almost half an hour off my Sylvan time. But it wasn't the time to celebrate yet I still had to run and I felt ready to run.
T2, it was very weird going into a transition that you had not seen that morning. but I had volunteers pointing me all the way to my bike rack. I got changed and my feet felt numb only for a bit not like Wasa. I ran out accros the timing mat just as Steve King asked the people crossing the path to look to their left for runners, I didn't slow a step and said rather loudly "Hello" and frightened a lady that crossed infront of me who got out of the way damned quickly.
BIKE DONE 3:32:16 - 533
So I ran for probably .75 of a km and then walked a bit, started running again and met a lady I passed then she passed me later. Her Crank had fallen off and she rode 12km one legged to the corner where the race support was. she was cramping up something bad but kept on going. So for the first 5km I walked mostly. I can't explain it the mind was willing and excited to do well, legs seemed fine considering what they had done already, belly felt a bit funny possibly too much liquid as it was not hot out and my sweat rate was down. I even stopped at a toliet on the first loop. From km 5-10 I would describe my run as a stumble run/walk. I got out to the turnaround point and the desire to puke had left and the mind was beginning to win the argument with legs to move faster and for a longer stretch.
I tilted my visor down so I couldn't see much more than 10feet of pavement and it seemed to trick me. I started running more than walking. I skipped a few of the aid stations and the belly stopped complaining completly. Then it started to rain around 13k I think, it wan't bad but as I started the last loop it started raining UBER hard!!! I thanked every volunteer I saw for playing in the rain with us today as they were just a soaked as the runners. I ran through puddles as I would if I was running with Jacqui. I started singing "Row your Boat" and shouted at the rain saying "DO your worst!!"
Then this guy on a golf cart showed up with a lady I saw way back on the course on board "I'm going to drive this loop and come back to pick you up, were closing the course early"
WHAT THE F**K????????!!!!!!!!! I emotionaly went from I'm doing well and going to finish Yay... to rock bottom... in one second. I got to the end of the loop on the turn to the finish and a guy on a bike says "did he talk to you?" I said "crap this is the second Half I didn't get to finish.. it's only 2km from the finish" An older lady looks at me and says "Run fast and he won't pick you up" Head down and GO. I ran like someone had just stole my bike and I had to chase them down so I could go Kimbo Slice on them. I refused to look behind me for the golf cart.
I turned that 2nd last corner and I could here the music of the finish line. I put my head down and zoned out everything but the green line in the pavement. I know I heard my family calling out to me on the last corner but I don't remember seeing them. I ran and remember Steve King saying very good things about me, the race director was infront of me with my medel and a big smile. I looked at the medel and babbled something about I finaly got one. I looked up for the first time in a long time and saw my Bro with a huge grin on his face.
RUN DONE 3:10:00 - 570
I" got 'er done" just as the banners some volunteers had on the course.
Half Iron Man DONE 7:48:23 - 567 of 578
Post race --- A lot of photos were taken and hugs all around. I felt like an idot that I had to ask someone to untie my shoes but I couldn't bend over to do it. I was able to complete sentences and didn't babble like in the past. Got back to my car at the lake and I was able to change into my race shirt and some dry loose pants. I had spent 9 hours wearing my bike shorts and was very happy to get out of them.
We had coffee at starbucks as we waited to contact Andrea for supper. We went to That's Amora (sp?) it was a garlic resturant and it was SO GOOD... I have to find one in Calgary. I got Wanda to drive my car as I wasn't certain if my legs would switch from gas to brake safely. We got back to Sylvan and I rember when I went to bed I left a light on and Wanda said she could shut it off from upstairs. I litterly rolled over and the next thing I heard was the shower in the morning. I must have passed out like I had drank a 26 to myself.
I am able to walk fairly good except for going up stairs. 3 weeks till Sylvan HIM and then I will drink my face off
It was a good weekend and thanks to.....
-Family that cheered from the roadside in the rain
-My fast friends that were defenitly finished before the downpour
-the volunteers cheering and keeping us fed/safe/modivated/on course
-Friends and Family that couldn't be at the race but were thinking of me
-Coach Mike Pascoe who has kept me on track through my ups and downs of trying to balance my training and the shiftwork lifestyle
- My Teammates that have had to give turnover to a braindead fool that just got out of the pool and only can think of food
- My Crewmates Moe & O'Neil that have spent so many Nightshifts these last months talking about athletic and life adventures good or bad.
- "doctor" Dan for helping convince me that I am not as crazy as I appear and that I can do this, even if the agreement 4 years ago was that we should do a Triathlon together
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wasa Lake Olympic Tri
Drive Day
Slept in this morning but felt good. Drove to Kimberly for breakfast my oatmeal just did not cut it. I was disappointed by the presta center again guess the third time lost its charm. Went back in time to watch one of the kid races then read my book. I was two pages from the end of a chapter when I heard coach's voice. I got my gear from the car and joined the group changing tires. We went to the pro chat about transitions it was not the best I played in the sand out of boredom. Then we swam in the lake and it was amazing my best ever. A quick loop on the bike followed by a short run. My calf didn't like it and made me limp. Zenny noticed. Off we jump in cars to get to package pick up and supper. Food was good and felt good. Back to camp and had a big campfire then to bed.
Race day
I woke up @3:00am and didn't fully get back to sleep till the alarm went off. Packed my tent had breakfast and got going. Found the group and set up transition like I practiced in the camp sight last night. That must have been a site for everyone last night watching me run around. I felt very calm all morning which is new for me on race morning. I had the start time wrong in my head so I thought the group had there wetsuits on early. People helped me get the suit on and I could not figure out why they were in such a rush.
Actually did a warm up swim so I could get cold water on my face so I can get my freekout over with. The swim started and I kept up with people till the first turn. I did get lapped by the fast group but didn't get beat up too bad just before the start of the second lap. I had Laurence near me to start the second lap but not for long. I remember 8:00 to first marker on first lap but on second it was more like 11:00. Then the quick sprinters came through and I got the frag out of the way. Keep in mind I was already wide of the perfect line. But I made it to dry land and walked to my spot fighting to remove the wetsuit and chanted to move myself deliberately. Jen and Zenny cheered me on and took some photos of my “quick” transition. Swim done 0:51:53
The Bike, it was a bit of a headwind going out and uphill so I only passed 2 ladies. On the way back I caught 5 more but I never caught
The run, good grief did my feet hurt! You know when you got mud in your rubber boots and it collects under your toes like a unnecessary bit of padding. Yep not good! It took 4km to feel normal again. Chatting with others after apparently that is normal. But I never felt that before and I have done a few races. I walked most of the trail run section and chatted with the volunteers. So by the turnaround 5 of 7 ladies passed me I was able to hold the last 2 of for the final 4km. I realized I felt better on the second half of the bike and the run. Thought it was odd but hey if that means I am trying to negative split then that is a good thing. As I crossed the finish line the announcer missed me and didn’t call my name right away (lame yes but to me it feels good to hear my name) for a fraction of a second I felt like Chapperal all over again. But he made a comment about my jersey and made me smile again. Run done 1:22:42 (3:44:14 total)
Post Race
I got my recovery program going stretching and drinking my beverage. I did eat my lunch like a horse. I realized I need more mental toughness to keep running when the body says no way. I found out in the award presentation is that the volunteers have a contest for best water station. I laughed with many of them. The girl guides with their face paint, the little kids with construction outfits, the mentally “challenged” kids, and my coach’s children. Mike’s daughter must have been dancing to a tune in her own head I didn’t hear a radio, it was funny to watch as I ran towards her corner.
I had saw my former co-workers boat tied up earlier in the weekend. I didn’t think he was around so I wrote a quick note to say hello and was going to put it in his boat. As I walked up to the boat I looked up and saw him sitting under a tree and for a moment had a look on his face that said “what are you doing to my boat” we both did the is that you look and had a good laugh. He offered me a beer and believe it or not I drank the whole thing. He was getting ready to pack up for the weekend so it was a short visit. It was good to see an old friend from the IKEA days.
I had supper with Mike, Jen,
I found a campground just outside Kimberly and pulled in just before the office closed. The ladies that took my money was very pretty and all of a sudden I realized she looked like someone I know and she said the name sounded familiar. I suddenly felt a bit weird that maybe I had been hitting on her cousin or something J It was a very nice campground with showers and a pool that I didn’t use. I drove back on Highway #3 retracing some of the route I used on one of my bike tours.
Now sitting infront of the computer and looking at my numbers I realized that my "disaster" at Lake Chapperal was a faster race time. I had a more enjoyable experience but at a slower time... oddSunday, May 25, 2008
Cancel my reservation in the padded room please
It's been a week with lots of sleep, good food, and some recovery swims and all is well. Coach Mike and I have had a few long chats and have come to the conclusion that I had a nutritional breakdown that led to a mental breakdown typical over training stuff that Triathletes tend to excel at. We had thought that while everything was fresh in my mind I should document how I felt and my feelings to use it as a learning experience. Did you know when all you think of is smarties your body is craving simple carbs... who knew???
Coach and I have decided to take a forced day off (Monday) and that I should run with a group more often. So I am going back to the Running Room to be among fellow runners.
So I am back on track with my training, hopefully I can repair any damage done by my overly public rant with all of you. I'll keep the next breakdown a bit more private.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Golden Triangle 2008
Looking back Day 0
The adventure the day before GT involving the load of dirt had me stressed out, I now realize and accept. I got dehydrated and didn’t get myself topped back up by the end of the day. The stresses I listed in the rant above were on my shoulders ready to break my back. I have over the years given up on other people’s expectations of me and this week I gave up on my expectations of myself. I am the quiet guy that doesn’t speak my mind that often that has control over my emotions but this week I lost that Vulcan like control. I had a conversation with my Coach Tuesday and we have figured out that my diet has a big hand in my meltdown on the Golden Triangle.
From past rides I know the number of photos taken is directly related to how much fun I am having. Unfortunately this year there is not many photos but I am still glad I went on it, even if I got a ride for 28 of the 327. I need to use the warning signs I saw before rock bottom as a learning experience. This weekend was not a failure no matter how much I wanted to sell the bike.
Looking back at Day 1
Starting the ride with no water in my bottles was DUMB. I should have known better especially after being dehydrated so badly yesterday. Looking at my graphs closer I just realized that the first hill I went pretty hard, the first 5km my avg HR was 165 and the days average was 150. I never much enjoyed climbing a mountain pass first thing in the morning. Next time I have to figure out how to warm up before going, at least the snack stop is early into the ride.
The majority of the day is downward run so if you can catch a tail wind it is mostly enjoyable. I recognized a few people from past GT rides… ok I mostly recognized the ladies. There was one lady when she spoke you would have to look twice to make certain it was a lady.
The second major climb of the day I put my head down and just grinded looking at my graphs my heart rate was hitting the roof on the first half of the climb. There is a false summit I think it’s by the lookout and I pulled over and rested lying against the hillside praying for death to take me.
The downhill was not as fun as it was with “Go Fast” the touring bike. This unnamed bike is a whole lot more twitchy and we haven’t quite found the sweet spot yet for going fast down a hill. The pavement is getting worse so that doesn’t help much.
I set my tent up and caught a shuttle to the
So I realize that supper service is probably going to be done by the time I get back to the rink it is at. So I stopped at a restaurant and had a steak sandwich (my thinking was protean for recovery) I get back and find a charger for the garmin and end up chatting with the night guard they hired to look after our stuff as we slept in the ball field.
I slept pretty nice once the guy with the guitar shut the hell up. It was nice for a while but there is only so much camp songs you can take when you are trying to sleep. I had Breath right strips on but the ladies in the next tent glared at me as they all said they were kept up by all the snoring. I know I wasn’t the only one but I was closer to them J I slept well so I don’t care.
Looking back at Day 2
I did have sunscreen on yesterday but my knees and arms have got a good red tan line on them. I wore my tri suit today which wasn’t the best choice with the chip seal pavement. It has a smaller Butt pad so there is less padding. My entire body was vibrating from the road surface.
I could have eaten more at Breakfast but what options do you have when some haven’t even eaten yet and you want seconds. I do not remember what I had to eat at first snack but I do remember sitting in the shade of the truck and a volunteer with a very serious look on her face asking if I was alright. My heart just wasn’t in it today was my response and I have a feeling that since then they kept an eye on me. I could see some motherly looks tossed my direction as I stood with my helmet as my plate for food.
Looking at my graphs I just realized that there is 3 decent climbs before snack and 1 after lunch and their map shows that the whole day is mostly flat. It makes more sence now why I was pacing behind this Full Suspension Mt Bike. It was depressing at the time when I saw the hydraulic brakes and the fox suspension fork. I am on a tri bike for crying out loud I should be leaving this guy in my dust! But nope I was hoping that he wouldn’t speed up for the longest time.
I found myself having more mini stops this day. Pull over get the butt off the seat and stretch for a while. I had thought today would be somewhat of a Half Iron man simulation day. I hope my races this summer go better than this simulation. My mind did wandered to what life without triathlon would be and as bleak as I felt and the number of times I yelled I quit during the ride, as I set up my tent I thought what will Mike have planned for me next week.
After lunch it started to sprinkle and the head wind picked up and the speeds dropped to a crawl. On the plus side my HR dropped a zone after that last hill, the body was giving out very slowly.
Supper was an absolute feast for me, I had that plate piled up good and high. I did not stick around for the slide show that was put on after the door prizes were handed out. Oh the streak continues, five years of not one single door prize won my by myself.
Looking back at Day 3
This was another light plate for breakfast. I had thought the night before that maybe I should just find a Denny’s and get a good breakfast without a lineup so I could get the day started before the traffic got going. There was a mud slide blocking the traffic west of Golden so we all were hoping to make it to snack stop before the heavy trucks started to roll.
I ended up drinking both of my bottles dry by the time I made it to snack and as I pulled in I realized there were a few cars with bike racks and I offered $40 to take me to the top of the hill. I was a mess a complete and utter wreck. The food table didn’t have the greatest selection which was a disappointment. I chatted with one of the volunteers and found that I could put my bike on the luggage truck but that would finish my day. I wasn’t ready for that. I knew that the section to lunch would kill me off with the rolling climbs. But I know within myself that if I know that climb is 14km and I can see the top of the climb… it will be done. So I went back to one of the vans and took a ladies offer for a ride. I found out as we drove that she was a nurse and I looked like Hell when I first pulled in.
Lunch was a good helmet full of food. I had seen people at lunch the day before with Mr Noodle cups and this time I got one for myself and it was the best thing I did all day. So I rested as I noticed that weather was starting to act up behind us so off I go. I did get up the hill, stopped to take off a layer, then again to put it back on and one last time to take it off till I hit the top. The HR monitor started acting up and going up to 240, bugger off I know my heart would explode if it really was going that fast.
The road surface changed when we came back into
At the snack stop the rain caught up to me as I stood and enjoyed my box of well earned Smarties. I saw the pretty red head and ended up riding to the end with her and her husband. There was a few climbs that I didn’t remember and was not ready for. Next year remember the part where the road splits. I was happy it was raining because then I don’t overheat but with my slick tires I wasn’t going to do any crazy riding just in case. Each and every corner I was looking for the sign saying we were done. That last 20 odd km is pretty much a mind fuck that you can’t just shake off, it keeps going and going. Then you get that last left curve and there is the hostel sign and your done.
I got changed out of the wet gear and saw the volunteer lady that helped me out today and thanked her. Shook hands with some of the radio guys as I got my luggage and called the ride done as the bag piper got started.
I stopped in Canmore for supper and good thing because there was a mini van that caught on fire climbing Scott Hill. It caused quite the traffic jam, the tow truck was just pulling in as I passed the accident scene. I was in bed by 9pm and awake at 3am, I have two night shifts to look forward to. I might flop around in the pool before work and sit in the hot tub now that I have finished my story and updated my logs and such.
Day1 in 2005 8:34-15:55 446 Pedal time 521 Total Time
in 2008 8:53-15:39 436 Pedal time 636 Total Time
Day2 in 2005 7:37-13:36 405 Pedal time 437 Total Time
in 2008 8:19-15:33 449 Pedal time 714 Total Time
Day3 in 2005 7:36-16:00 538 Pedal time 655 Total Time
in 2008 7:47-16:00 434 Pedal time 813 Total Time
Start weight 207 - 20% body fat
Finish weight 207.5 - 17.5% body fat. As per my fancy scale
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Race results
-------FINAL---- ----------------------- ----------
Pos Time Name Plc/Total Category #
148/171 1:38:22 Randy MILLER 52/58 Male Individ 272
500m 17.5km 5km
--------SWIM-------------BIKE--------- ------RUN----------
Ovr Time /100m Ovr Time km/hr Ovr Time /km
146 15:13 4:04 53 38:03 3:49 166 45:06 9:02
WO HO I beat 6 dudes!!!!!!
That swim pace calculation is a bit off..
if it took me 4 min per 100 it would be 20min
I know I am slow but not that slow!!!!
53 overall on the bike????? you have to be kidding me!!!!!
I freaking love it!!!!
After that pathetic horrible run I still was
faster than 5 folks????
Thank goodness for the bike
Checking back on my history that was:
-3rd fastest swim pace
-2nd fastest bike Km/h
-3rd slowest run pace
Mount Royal Sprint


Well this is the first race that I haven't had a nervous meltdown. As I right this I don't have the official results. On Saturday I was invited to a poetry reading and as I am attempting to expand my horizon of knowledge thought what the heck. I honestly enjoyed myself, I must admit just like in High school I tried to find the literal meanings of the words spoken. So I understood 1 of the 5 read, I got to ask the author some questions like I wished I could have in school. Afterwards we went to this high end Pizza joint, it looked good. As it was pre-race night I already had eaten and would not eat anything different.
I got to bed a bit later than planned because I was restless and not very tired for some reason. I had my breakfast of an Egg Wrap and got my gear together, added a few items thinking it would be a bit cool in the morning but didn't really need to as it was quite warm today. I arrived to line up to get into transition and bumped into Meg who I met at Coach Mike's Transition Clinic. It was her first race she asked me a few questions and it felt really nice to have the answers and speak from experience. Sign in was easy and then we waited, I had my Ipod to listen to so that I could relax instead of chatting with everyone, it was a nice change I think I will do at the next race.
I lined up for my swim heat and waited and waited some more.... 11:30 I think I finally got my face wet. I thought I would have to share a lane with 3-4 people but nope. Each person got a half lane to go back and forth in without worrying about running into or slowed down by the fellow lane sharers. I actually felt good, I banged out 4 laps before I really took a pause for an extra breath before continuing. I had lost count around 7 laps so I asked the lady to confirm and I was on my way. My arms were feeling a bit heavy around lap 8. Then I felt like a beached whale trying to get out of the deep end without cracking my head on the dive platform.
I was able to jog to T1. I fumbled around getting my shoes on, I tried getting the socks on but I quickly gave up on them. I need to get better balancing on one foot after getting out of the pool, I must have looked like a drunk sailor.... but the bike is my thing and I am happy to say my Garmin says my average speed was 28.8km/h. I was doing 11min per lap and I know on my first I passed about 8 people. The second I got passed by 2, the third passed by 3. The first lap was probably the last for the earlier people and then the faster folks came out and passed me. I was very happy I was comfortable in the Aero bars in the flats. The corners and the uphills I would hoods, the downhills I would grab the end of the hooks. As I came in on my last lap I heard my name being called and someone waving, Ela is in the house!!!!
I fumbled once more in T2 the stupid bike racks they provided were CRAP I and many others were not impressed. The last few runs have not felt quite right and this was another on that list. My left side of my calf OH MY **** it shot up my leg with pain. I spent way too much time walking instead of running. I would grab bits of snow and rub it on my calf thinking it might help it relax so that I could do better. On my way back from the turnaround I saw Meg go past me and her face was full of pain. She had a bike crash a day ago and it looked like she was feeling it. I then this big guy ran past me and I recognized him from my swim group and I think he was behind me in line so my new goal was not to let him pass me again. I accomplished the goal so I know I wasn't in last place and that was my other goal :) I know I am a selfish bastard, I have learned to deal with it :) So I get to the final corner and I see Linda doing her volunteering bit and that blessed finish line. As I ran past Ela I just said "Advil please" as the pain was not good.
I crossed the finish line and just stopped moving. It felt great I was kinda angry with myself because I know that my run has suffered lately and this was result of that. I used to say my swim was the worst sport but I am seriously wondering if the run has become it.
So according to my watch I did the swim in 16:16, bike in 36:22, run in a pathetic 45:37 for a total of 1:38:00 which is good I was going to be upset with myself if it took longer than 1:45:00
Monday, March 17, 2008
St Pats 5km 2008

Alright folks, this was a good test for myself. I planned ahead and scheduled my massage 2 days before the event so I had a chance of being loose and relaxed. The lady that works me over has noticed I am getting less adhesion every time.
So I did my night shift watching the snow fall and getting worried with each and every flake that fell. It has been a while since I ran outside and this would be the coldest run in a while. So I hung around for an hour after my shift with the next crew talking about Vegas. I took a quick walk over to the race site to get the muscles warmed up a bit.
I lined up near the back of the pack with the idea that the slower runners would keep me from going out too fast. It was very cool to see the HAWK2 helicopter start the race with a countdown from their speaker and then their siren went off to get us going.
So my plan worked I didn't go off like a jackrabbit, I found a group running at my pace. The group turned out to be Kathy who was my Half Marathon Clinic Pacer so I knew she have a good pace to follow.
I felt good when I got to the bridge so I took my first walk break on the way back I paced with Candice a friend from Highschool that I saw at the start. I ended up taking the walk break with Kathy's crew and Candice got ahead of me. I watched her move from the back of her group to bridge up to the group ahead, it was fun to watch. I caught up to her just before the 4km marker and started to wind up my sprint but once again I ran out of gas in the middle of Princes Island park...
I started the wind up closer than the last race I did this experiment so next time I will do it 750m from the line. So she passed me as I took my third walk break trying to get my Heart to slow down from the 180 bpm it was going at. That last walk break cost me 13 places at the finish line and Candice got me by about 25 seconds.
Place Race# Name City Div/Tot Sex/Tot Div Time Pace84/164 5666 Randy MILLER Calgary AB 7/13 26/38 M3039 35:09.2 7:02
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Vegas.COM attractions list
This is the list I was using of things to see on the strip I have put an x out front of the things I saw.
Blue Man Group (A+ DRUMS!!!!!!!)
Zumanity (B+ wish I didn't go solo)
Phantom of the Opera (A+ the classic that will never disappoint)
Hover Dam Tour (B- was a bit disappointed)
Imperial Palace, breakfast, very self serve
Tropicana, lunch, limited selection
Harrah's, lunch, good selection nice atmosphere
Bellagio, supper, selection was out of this world if I could I would have gone every day!!!!
Bally's (many shops)
· Jubilee! All Access Backstage Walking Tour
Bellagio (amazing)
x· Fountains (A) watched 4 diff perfomances
x· Gallery of Fine Art (C-) not worth my money as I didn't enjoy the art
· Conservatory
x· The Art of Richard MacDonald Presented by Cirque du Soleil (B+)
· The Tuscany Kitchen
Caesars Palace (nice open casino and great atmosphere won $4 on slots)
· Exotic Cars
x· Fountain shows and aquarium (C was just a display in the mall)
Circus Circus (no go)
· Adventuredome
· World's Largest Permanent Circus
Excalibur (no go)
· Motion Rides
Flamingo (no go)
· Wildlife Habitat
Imperial Palace (I stayed here but didn't do much other than sleep here)
· The Auto Collections
Las Vegas Hilton (STAR TREK do I say more??)
x· BORG Invasion 4D (A+ way cool effects)
x· Klingon Encounter (A+ fell in love with the lady that transported us)
x· Star Trek: The Experience (A the display of artifacts is unlike anything I imagined)
x· Star Trek: The Experience -- Secrets Unveiled (A++ it was cool to see the rides and how they are operated)
x· Quarks Bar (A great names of foods!!!)
Luxor (high class, must be hard to sleep with all the rooms opening into the all night casino
· IMAX Theatre
· In Search of the Obelisk
x· King Tut's Tomb (B+ it was neat but I expected more)
Mandalay Bay (hard to get around)
x· Shark Reef (A- it was a great cool place to relax and enjoy watching the fish and peoples reactions )
MGM Grand ( very large!!!)
x· CBS Television City Research Center (B+ Watched a pilot show for some crappy coupons)
x· Lion Habitat (B got there as they first came out but man that crowd was huge)
Mirage (no go)
· Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat
· Volcano (under renovations)
New York - New York (top 3 for my entertainment)
· The Roller Coaster at New York-New York
Paris (absolutely beautiful)
x· Eiffel Tower (A the view was incredible)
Rio (no go)
· Masquerade Village
Sahara (no go)
· Las Vegas Cyber Speedway
· Speed - The Ride
Showcase Mall (shops)
x· GameWorks
x· M&M's World
· The Aquarium
· Big Shot
· Insanity-The Ride
· Stratosphere Tower
· X Scream
Treasure Island
x· Sirens of TI (A watched it twice from different spots)
Tropicana (old but well kept up)
· Bodies...The Exhibition
x· Titanic: The Artifact Exhibit (A found a poster that blew my mind)
Venetian ( the most amazing hotel on the strip, learned Roulete here )
· Gondola (I didn't want to go by myself)
· Test America at the Venetian
x· Madame Tussauds Las Vegas (A+++ had a lot of fun posing with the stars)
x· Streetmosphere at the Grand Canal Shoppes (I wanna go to Italy now)
Wynn Las Vegas BIG MONEY!!!!
x· Penske Wynn Ferrari Maserati (A- I wish they would have let you take some photos of the cars)
Post Vegas, Panorama Skiing
I got myself home and chatted with Carey from upstairs planning to be ready for noon when Rob would show up and take me out to Panorama for the weekend. He showed up 2 hours early so I quickly unpacked from my desert attire to the skiing gear. There was to be about 12 of us going but everyone bailed out at the last moment... work got in the way. So Rob and I had some drinking to do to make up for the guys not joining us. I realized that I had not really slept since 7am Thursday so I did pretty good partying till 11 Friday. It was so cool meeting up with Laura and her guy in the pub we were at. I thought they weren't back till Sunday so it was an added bonus to the evening.
Saturday we skied the snow was very hard packed, I don't know when the last time they got snow but it was bare in spots already. We decided to stick to the first Chair because the snow was better than the top of the hill. Happy to say nobody crashed out of our party... there was one guy on the ground for 2 runs with ski patrol holding his neck very still. Pat my head because I did not want to repeat the feeling I had when Leah and I went. I want my brains to stay in my skull.
We had lunch with our I should say my (I am the single one) favorite waitress as she took good care of us which helped with the drinking pace the night before. Supper we were served by the lady with the "supervisor" tag on her shirt... Rob and I got our two round from the bar because she took too damned long and she got a 1.40 tip. stroll down to the general store for some offsales and back to the room. I was passing out but Rob was wired for sound so he went back to the pub, probably paid cash at the bar to avoid the bad service.
So this concludes my story of my travel on this trip... Now I have to go through 600 photos. I'll pick the better ones and upload to facebook.
Friday, March 7, 2008
DAM day
I ened up at the Bellagio to see the Gallery of Fine Art. I have to say it was a bit disappointing there was 50 paintings and I only like 2. I guess the American Modern style isn't my thing. I got the name of artist if any of you know anything let me know what else of her style I might enjoy. Her name is Georgia O'Keeffe and the paintings were: Red Stump, and Deer Skull with Pedernal.
I was running out of room on my camera card so I had the business center burn the card on a CD. So as I waited I played $2 of quarter slots and I walked away with a voucher for $6!!! I made money!!!!
I had been up the real Eiffel Tower so of course I payed the $10 to go up the copy. Very glad the sky was clear because you could see quite a ways away. Didn't spend too much time up there because I had to get back to my hotel to catch the bus to Hoover Dam. I was on a shuttle that took me back to the hotel next to where I had just been... I was a bit annoyed because it took about an hour to get the bus full from all the stops at the hotels. But we finally got out of town and our guide started his stories.
The Dam is huge is all I have to say. But they are building a new bridge over the canyon and my attention was drawn towards that a bit more often judging by some of the photos I took. We saw a video on the history of the Dam and how it was built. Then we all went down the elevators to the generators. They had one of the Rotors out for the first time in 25 years. The people working there had glasses and shirts like my Dad does when he goes to work... Is that the uniform for Engineers of a certain age group???
I got back to Vegas in time to collect my tickets and get to the restaurant I had a discount voucher for. It took me some time to find the place but when I got there I realized that it was the restaurant of the big Italian guy from Iron Chief. I had Lamb and three kinds of cheese that I had never heard of. I have the menu in my pile of papers so I will let you all know later.
Then Phantom of the Opera. I was given a very nice seat... I have noticed that being a solo ticket I haven't had a bad seat at any of the shows. Lets just say 15 years ago when I saw this play in Edmonton it was my first operatic experience. I remember identifying with the Phantom Character and this day I did as well. But I have learned a few things about myself so that I won't fall into the trap that I did 15 years ago when I felt I would never find my Christine (the female lead character)
The set for the play was incredible the chandelier made many ladies scream when it came down. the costumes were vivid and changes were done very fluidly. I was most impressed with the scene changes that took you from looking at their performance to the action behind the stage. One change put everything that was on the left on the right including the actors and they performed as if the curtain had just closed. It blew my mind
I wondered the shops and took some photos of the shop windows mostly of the ladies clothing because I started to see styles that the ladies in my life might wear. I ended the night waiting for my shuttle to arrive. As I did I realized a very hot nightclub was in my hotel. INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL ladies were walking into the club and I mentally hit myself for not going to a club this week. But my ride to the airport arrived and this adventure was at a close.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
star trek day
I rode the Borg 4D ride first and the effects in 3D were incredible!!!!
Next was the klingon attack, I fell in love with the actoress that transported us. sigh!!!!
Then it was behind the scenes tour.. i have been sworn to secrecy so na na na boo boo!!!!
They have all these artifacts from the series and models of the ships and all kinds of things to look at.
next was supper at Quarks. good time!!
then i took a cab down to freemount street just in time for the lights to come on. The first show was childish with planes and things flying around you. BUT the next show had Techno beats and phycadelic shapes on it. I saw a few ladies groving and moving to the beats. Ella you would have enjoyed it. Too bad they didn't have an all night rave under that canopy.
I hoped on the Duce, a bus back to the strip and saw the Sierns of TI one more time, a bit better spot to watch the ladies, photos didn't turn out so well. Got a Mararita and enjoyed the show.
I got back to my room and put on this icy hot patch on my back. to day feels much better.
I got some discount tickets for tonight phantom of the opera. and I am going on my tour of the hover dam later this afternoon, they opened up the gates and are flooding the down stream to rebuild sand dunes or something. they are making a big deal about it on the news.
well I am off,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Day 2 Lost wages
I hoped on the monorail to the end of the line and watched a TV Piolet show at the Testing Center, the copons they gave you were kinda lame but it killed time untill the Lions came out... I start my day way too early I find :) Or not staying up late enough LOL!!!
Orsten I found the Sharks at Mandalay... tough to find but I found a few signs to start (south end of the propery) The Luxor was amazing but so far the best hotel in my mind is still the Venetian. I have almost all the things on my too do list checked off and some extras. I didn't get the Tat at this one place because they lady was just plain rude when i asked a general question, How was I suppost to know what the average price of a tatoo is???
The Titanic experiance was amazing I bought a poster of it in drydock that will remind me of how small we all are. I had my first drink at Paris I got one of the glass baloon drinks... oh crap I was buzzed off it and had to dump the last little bit as I watched the Fountain show at Bellagio.
Somebody at work tell Becky.... "the buffet" was amazing!!!!! I got to try all the fish that I have heard of but never had the opertunity to do so. I don't remember what I had but I loved it. Wanda tell Dad he was right, King crab much better than that lobsterfest that we all went to.
Oh the show of the night Zumandi.... if your a couple you need to go, solo not so great. Highly errodic. I had almost tried to chat witht this increadable red head that was clearly WAY out of my leauge, to see if I could hold a conversation for 5 min as per OW's rules for me. Glad I didn't becuse she was one of the dancers and she ended up pulling a guy up on stage for the finallie. It was a great show!
I have been spending money like crazy but it's vegas isn't it. Today off to Hilton for the Star Trek experience. Today it's shorts and sandles because my sneakers gave me a bit of a heat blister. Less walking, hopefully more sitting and drinking :)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Day 1 in vegas
I got through the checked in and had to call DCOM just to tell someone I was past the potential probing of security... I don't know why but I can't relax till I pass that point. Thanks Cerina for putting up with my babble of the moment:) Off to Vancouver, got a window seat so I was taking photos like crazy. Domonika don't worry I'll show you lots of photos of planes etc :)
So we get to Vancouver and the connection is late, wise choice I made the people on the 7:00 plane were sitting there upset. Oh there were 5 of us connecting to vegas so west jet had a cart ready to wisk us off to the international gate. Mental note when the guy tells you that you need some blue form... ask where to get it. I got sent back to get that form... sent back again to fill in the form... hassaled by the homeland folks because I put vegas instead of Las Vegas and he couldn't read my handwriting. Sigh...
As we fly to vegas I noticed two planes pass by in my window, talk about airspace full!!! So as we come into land I finaly see the strip.... then I got excited!!!! WHen I fly there are two stages of excitement for me... past the probing and landing at the destination!!!!!
SO I think I checked into the hotel at 3:00 off I go walking... and shopping. I got pulled in by a BEUTIFAL lady for Isrial selling skin products... I got a photo with her because I ended up buying some stuff and have buyer's remores allready, but I will have better skin and least I got myself out of a timeshare opertunity all ready. Time is valuable and I learned from my sister. Wanda btw I think I got the stuff you requested I showed a lady at the shop your email and if it's not what you needed too bad you got what she found :)
I ended up walking from Imperial Pallace to the Win (to sit in a Ferrari with a phot... Bruce I saw the most amazing collection but no photos big dude watched me) and back. Then to Venetian for BLUE MAN!!!!! Chris your right they F***ing ROCK!!!! What an experience, I even got my photo taken with one but it's blurry (shit) I sat next to another Solo ticket holder. It was fun to share the moments with someone, before you all ask no she's married :(
SO after the show I walked all the way to New-York, had a few offers form working girls and a guy that said he could have a limo to the gentalmans club in moments.... what to do when your back is killing you.
I have realized that I did not eat as much as I should have today... this morning I went to Denny's before I realized my hotel has a breakfast buffet for about the same money.
I learned how to play the game with the #'s and the spinning wheel this morning, a dealer explaned the game to me so I played 2 hands. I won $7 on the first hand but then lost it all on the next hand. Crap that could have paid for my breakfast... oh well.
The mexicans are not very aggressive on the flyers and hands as you all have warned me about.
I have fallen in love with the Venetian it is so Italian it's amazing. Carolina you should do some searchs on the web about this place you'll love it.
Well Iam off to explore the southern part of the strip today. That's all for now
Sunday, March 2, 2008
T-12 hours
I have got the plan from Coach for my workouts that I am going to "attempt" to do while in Vegas.
Think I have all that I need... I feel like I went to France for a month with less. but it's all good.
now I have to get some sleep.... like that's going to happen, it hasn't really hit me yet but it will shortly that I am off to Sin city. It will hit me when I get on the plane to take off and then look out I will be excited. I always thought when I did a trip like this I would be sharing the experience with somebody, anybody. Oh well, this could be the trip that transforms the old Randy to what my coworkers have been calling me "Randizzal". All I know is the training in Tri and life I have been doing lately has built up alot of confidence in me and I might actually earn the nickname :)
next entry after I land... later all!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Vegas Baby!!!!
I got a great deal and I fly out on Monday.
It kinda sucks I have to pay Double Occupancy with nobody to travel with me... Now if one of the ladies I have been hitting on over the last few months happened to show up wouldn't hurt my feelings. But let's be honest they couldn't say yes to a cup of coffee so it's time to change venues.
A trip on my own may be exactly what I need to reset.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Rough week ending on a good note
So I thought it was one bad day out 7 but other people had a different perspective. I guess they think I am mad when I am quiet. OOps onto another week.
Year to date training Swim 6:09 / Bike 7:10 / Run 5:41 / Weights 4:23
Monday, February 4, 2008
So I took off a while back to go skiing at Sunpeak's Resort outside of Kamloops. The hill is not as tall or steep as Sunshine but it had very nice wide runs that were great for cruising on. I spent the day with my younger Cousin who is going to school there. We had a good day, I had the only crash on the day. There was "the easy way out" cross the run that we were on and I didn't realize until it was too late that it formed a bit of a jump. Those that ski with me know I haven't figured out how to stick the landing yet. So yep I landed almost caught myself but a tip or edge grabbed and took me for another ride. I landed on my hip and my head bounced off the packed snow and dazed me for a bit. Lets just say the rest of the run I thought about that helmet that was sitting on my boot rack in calgary.... dumb I say dumb.
I had decided to get there by Greyhound might as well let someone else do the driving so I can catch up on my sleep as I was going on nightshifts when I got back. Well it was a good thing I did because on the way back the snow over the mountain pass was insane. The snow plows had not come out yet but the bus kept going, at 80kph though and an hour late... but least I didn't have to drive :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Best weekend in a while
I also tried Hot Yoga for the first time, my goal according to the instructor was to just stay in the room and do the posses that I could for 90 min at 100-105 degrees was amazing!!! I was able to do all but a few postures... the lady on the mat in front of me had herself bent over backwards and smiled at me as I sat their in disbelief / shock that the body could bend like that. I think doing yoga in that heat will be good for my flexibility and help me get used to exercising in heat (like IMC09)
My last piece of news is that I HAVE A TRI COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a meeting with Coach Mike and we both agree that this could work. (He was interviewing me as I was interviewing him for our jobs) It was very interesting talking with someone that had some similar training ideas and he has some of the pieces of the puzzle that I feel that I have been missing. He also uses the Total Immersion swim program with a twist so my Fall swim class wasn't wasted.
It was great to hear him say my work schedule is not weird and that he can create a great plan for me based on it. He also understood the wacky stresses shift work can put a person through. It was an eye opener it was the first time I have met someone that hasn't done nights but gets it.
In a few days I get my first plan from him and I can't wait!!! this year is gonna be great!!!!!